
An Ending is Not Always a Failure

When something ends—a relationship, a passion, a job—we often characterize the experience as a failure. It may have had periods where it was magical and unique, but we emphasize that it is over and how painful that is. Instead of focusing on the wonderful experiences and special memories, we only think about the end and the pain and regret that come with it. It’s important to remember that everything will eventually end, and with the proper perspective, you can make the ending as meaningful as the experience itself.

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Thriving on the losing side

Thriving on the Losing Side

How can you carry on through crushing disappointment and heartache—disappointment that goes through your heart and soul? It’s hard to forge ahead, but even when you see no light at the end of the tunnel, forging ahead is the right thing to do. It is the best way to take back who you are and what you believe in and stand for. Events can give you a fresh perspective and teach you some things about your approach, but they shouldn’t change your values or vision. Working through a loss is the best way to learn about yourself—why you hold to certain values and how your vision came about. It’s when you learn about your gumption and how to tap into it.

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Love yourself

Love Yourself, and People Will Love You Back

It’s nice to be loved, but not everyone loves you. That is just a fact of life. It may seem that there are some people who everyone loves, but I guarantee that even those people wanted someone to love them sometime in their lives who didn’t. What people feel about you is out of your control. What is in your control is who you are, so be yourself and work on yourself. Focus on personal growth and a meaningful life. Don’t try to become what you think will attract others or make a specific person love you. That will never work. 

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Self-honesty—Keeping it Real

Honesty is one of the most important qualities we can have as people. Honesty is key in interpersonal relationships, forming the basis for trust, loyalty, and love. But more important than honesty with other people is honesty with yourself. Dishonesty with yourself can lead to a whole host of problems and issues, and the only way to address them is by coming clean. Self-honesty is also the only path toward a meaningful life. If your path isn’t genuine, it will lack meaning. Honesty can be challenging, but it just takes practice, like any habit.

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Take to travel

Take to Travel—Making the Most of Time Away

Travel can be trying for many people. The stress of driving and flying, the arrangements to make for pets, the packing—it can all lead to a feeling of dread about traveling. But, like most things, a little planning and an open mind can cure a lot of ills. Flexibility in travel can help make for a relaxed, rejuvenating time and allow for some spontaneity of experience with unforeseen opportunities that arise. However, having some goals and a good idea of what you might do can help set the tone for the trip you want. Ultimately, a balance between flexibility and planning will lower the stress and make for meaningful and rewarding travel.

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