Camelot - a sword stuck in a rock.


Have you had a period in your life that seemed truly magical?

When it seemed like you were happy all the time
When the people you spent time with were fun and easy to be around
When everything you did seemed infused with a sense of adventure and joy
When your relationships were deep and strong and gave you a sense of nervous anticipation (the good kind)
When we have those times, it seems like they will last forever—it is our Camelot.

But then somehow they don’t.

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Empathy. Comforting a Friend


We all have people in our lives whose conditions affect our conditions, whose moods can greatly affect our moods, and with whom we have shared emotional states.

How does this happen? How does an emotional investment in someone evolve into such a direct connection?

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Being too busy


It’s very trendy these days to be busy.

People in the modern workplace wear busyness as a badge of honor. In any elevator in any office building in the country, you can hear people talking about how full their plates are, about working nights and weekends, about being “swamped” or “under water,” about working 60-plus-hour weeks.

But think about busyness from a rational perspective.

Does being busy mean the same thing as working hard?
Does busyness automatically translate to effectiveness?
Does busyness ensure your goals will be achieved or your dreams will be realized?

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The perspective we have on our lives can make a huge difference. Some fixate on the inevitable headaches and hassles that come up, the problems they must fix, and the challenges they have to face. They define their lives through the negatives, which takes away their attention on the positives.

A shift in perspective can make a dreary, sad life filled with worry into a wonderful, exciting life filled with happiness.

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