Body Communication

Body Communication—Learning from Illness and Injury

I don’t seem to get sick that much—not since the days of having a young child in the petri dish of daycare and elementary school. But when I do get sick, I try to listen to my body. It’s easy to become grumpy about the lost time and missing out on events and experiences. At the same time, it’s a unique opportunity to experience your mind-body-spirit in different (and challenging) circumstances. It can be similar for injuries. Yes, they can be painful, slow you down, and prevent you from engaging in certain activities. But they also force you to be more mindful and listen to your body.

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People are Different

People are Different—Embrace It

God, they’re irritating!

Everyone has people in their lives who get under their skin. It might be what they say or how they say it. It might be a behavior or habit they have. But nobody goes through life without someone who just irritates the hell out of them. But what can you do? Well, you do have choices. You can engage on their level or take the bait. You can be passive-aggressive regarding their behavior. You can also cut them out of your lives. But at the end of the day, people will be who they are, so you need to decide if you still want them in your life, and if so, you have to accept who they are.

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Nothing is permanent

Nothing is Permanent—Except, of Course…

Each of us has elements in our lives that are so precious to us that it’s hard to come to terms with their loss. You might not want to envision life without them—it’s unthinkable. But at the same time, nothing in our lives is permanent. These two competing ideas can be hard to reconcile. What is important to you may be a child, a relationship, or security as a family. There are some things that you don’t want to ever see threatened or come to an end. But as we each have to face death, we also have to face the fact that nothing at all is going to last forever. 

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Best Thing

The Best Thing—Positivity as a Priority

What is the best thing that could happen?

When an opportunity or a challenge arises, do you first consider the risks or the potential rewards? Both are important, but you will likely give one or the other more sway in your thought process. In some decisions, the risks or downsides are evident and significant; it is never logical to deny the existence of the risks. However, the focus should be squarely on the upside in instances where the rewards outweigh or are worth the risks. A “best thing” mindset can keep you focused on the upside of situations while giving sufficient attention to the potential downside.

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Poetry and Music

Poetry (and Music!) in Motion

Today, I am excited to announce the release of my first book of poetry, Many Paths: An Exploration of Hope, Healing, and Personal Growth. 

Describing a meaningful and fulfilling life in words is challenging. Although relating the elements of our lives is useful and allows for a practical and detailed understanding, to delve deeper into the emotional aspects of our triumphs and challenges, our passions and pursuits, we need a more creative and nuanced medium. Poetry and music express these ideas in ways that a description could not—in ways that resonate with the reader emotionally and genuinely. I have explored my emotional journey with music and poetry for as long as I can remember, and nothing can compare to these mediums in terms of expressing emotions. Starting about five years ago, I started to write poetry and music based on the ideas in these blog posts and it was the answer I needed to make these ideas whole. 

I have taken one of the poems from the book and put it to music in I Look to the Leaves. Although all of my songs contain lyrics, this is the first that began as a poem and became a song. 

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