Choosing a Path of Peace

Choosing a Path of Peace

Peace as a concept is underrated. It is often defined by war—specifically, the absence of war. But peace is so much more. Peace is not just the absence of something but a significant presence. Peace doesn’t require the absence of conflict; it requires that it is handled respectfully and open-mindedly. From a personal perspective, peace is not the absence of challenges, heartaches, or stress; it is coming to terms with them. Peace is not a switch—it’s a path you can take. 

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Love yourself

Love Yourself, and People Will Love You Back

It’s nice to be loved, but not everyone loves you. That is just a fact of life. It may seem that there are some people who everyone loves, but I guarantee that even those people wanted someone to love them sometime in their lives who didn’t. What people feel about you is out of your control. What is in your control is who you are, so be yourself and work on yourself. Focus on personal growth and a meaningful life. Don’t try to become what you think will attract others or make a specific person love you. That will never work. 

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Self-honesty—Keeping it Real

Honesty is one of the most important qualities we can have as people. Honesty is key in interpersonal relationships, forming the basis for trust, loyalty, and love. But more important than honesty with other people is honesty with yourself. Dishonesty with yourself can lead to a whole host of problems and issues, and the only way to address them is by coming clean. Self-honesty is also the only path toward a meaningful life. If your path isn’t genuine, it will lack meaning. Honesty can be challenging, but it just takes practice, like any habit.

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Doing what's important

Make it Count—Doing What’s Important

Do you have time for the important things in your life? We all go through life doing what we do, what comes up in our day, and what others ask of us. Ideally, we also engage in pursuits we’re passionate about and things we would love to do when there is time. Invariably, none of us has time to do everything we want. It can be frustrating when you can’t find the time for something, but if you live a full life, there will always be things that spill over and don’t fit in. It’s important to ensure that your activities are based on your priorities, not those dictated to you. You have the choice, even if it doesn’t always seem that way.

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Best Thing

The Best Thing—Positivity as a Priority

What is the best thing that could happen?

When an opportunity or a challenge arises, do you first consider the risks or the potential rewards? Both are important, but you will likely give one or the other more sway in your thought process. In some decisions, the risks or downsides are evident and significant; it is never logical to deny the existence of the risks. However, the focus should be squarely on the upside in instances where the rewards outweigh or are worth the risks. A “best thing” mindset can keep you focused on the upside of situations while giving sufficient attention to the potential downside.

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