Your Vision

Make Your Vision a Reality

I’ve seen a lot of examples of hypocrisy in recent years—people preaching about ideals then completely failing, in their words and actions, to live up to those ideals. Of course, none of us is perfect. Failing to live up to your vision for yourself and your life is not inherently hypocritical, and it’s good to have aspirational ideals—ideals you hope and plan to live up to. It’s entirely different to espouse an ideal and live your life completely contrary to it because it’s convenient or beneficial. 

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Understanding Your Reactions

Understanding Your Reactions to Hardship and Tragedies

You are in control of your life. It may not always seem like it—you don’t have control over all the circumstances that may impact your life. However, you do have complete control over the determining factors—what circumstances influence your decisions. Everyone faces tragedies, heartbreaks, and hassles, but not everyone reacts to them in the same way. You can bounce back even if it doesn’t always feel that way. You can continue to love yourself and make the best life for yourself, even when circumstances seem dire. 

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Saving Your Energy

Saving Your Energy for the Good in Your Life

Your time and energy are precious. How you spend them is key to how you live and feel, and what you achieve. There will always be times when you are angry or hurt and feel the need to expend energy to try to “fix” those situations. But you may be feeding a part of your life that you’d rather offload. You’re acknowledging a person, problem, or challenge in a way that may give it legitimacy rather than denying it as part of your life. Conditions feed on energy, including negative energy. When you expend energy, you feed the beast instead of starving it until it goes away.  

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A home within

A Home Within—Staying Grounded in Your Core Self

You are always at home. It may not always feel like it, but your home is not a place or a structure; it is deep within you. It is your core self. When you travel and are exposed to unfamiliar ideas and ways of life, you may feel homesick. But homesickness is just a separation from your core self. If you can get to know yourself deeply and genuinely, you can always feel at home, even while exploring the unfamiliar or moving outside your comfort zone. You can stay as one with your core self and always feel anchored to who you are in your heart. 

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