Best Thing

The Best Thing—Positivity as a Priority

What is the best thing that could happen?

When an opportunity or a challenge arises, do you first consider the risks or the potential rewards? Both are important, but you will likely give one or the other more sway in your thought process. In some decisions, the risks or downsides are evident and significant; it is never logical to deny the existence of the risks. However, the focus should be squarely on the upside in instances where the rewards outweigh or are worth the risks. A “best thing” mindset can keep you focused on the upside of situations while giving sufficient attention to the potential downside.

Positivity creates opportunity

The more you think about a goal, the more likely you will encounter situations that can help you achieve that goal. But is that really true? Many people are wary of the idea that you can make something happen by seeing it clearly in your mind. While some theories about positive thinking may be far-fetched, the basis is sound and logical. You will see examples or related images and ideas if something is consistently in your thoughts. This phenomenon has been established and accepted. When you regularly think about an idea, your brain focuses on related elements or ideas while ignoring anything unrelated. You develop the ability to filter out anything that doesn’t support your vision. Get your mind working on something, and it will keep working on it, even when you’re not doing it consciously. 

Positive begets positive

The best thing approach works in the short term and in the longer term. It’s natural when you visualize a positive outcome not to stop there. There’s a natural tendency for people to want to know what’s next. When you focus on the best thing, you will naturally focus on the best thing after that, and so on. This idea is also applicable to the breadth of your life. If you focus on the best thing that could happen in one area of your life, you’re likely to spread that into other areas. 

Eyes wide open

This approach may sound like a pollyana way of thinking about life. You may believe that life doesn’t always give you the best thing, so it’s OK to think about the potential bad stuff, too. And, of course it is—the key is to focus on the best thing while acknowledging and, where possible, accounting for the risks along the way. You want to incorporate the risks without fixating on them. For some people, this can be incredibly hard. Still, like any fundamental change, you can make it happen with perseverance and patience.

If you keep striving for the best thing, you will achieve it more often than not.


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