Doing Nothing. A man sleeping on a sofa.


Every once in a while, a voice inside me says, “I’m done.” I’ve used up all my energy and concentration, and I need some downtime. I need to spend some quality time doing nothing.

All of us need downtime—some need less than others and some seem to need way more than others. Why is this? One of the reasons might be what people do when they’re doing nothing. Some people waste their time when they’re wasting their time; and end up needing more time to waste (stay with me here).

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Opportunity. A plant finding a way to come up through a crack.


How do you find the path that will make a real difference—in your life or the lives of others?

When in your life do you find the time to do the important things?

We all have things we must do—the practical and the necessary—making a living, taking care of our stuff; but a lot of what drives us is more fundamental.

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People. Fish jumping from a tank along to a tank with other fish.


Every day I look at my calendar to see what meetings I have and begin to psych myself up for them. I look at the people that are going to those meetings and what I need to accomplish. I think about what kind of people I will be meeting. It’s not that I don’t like people—I do—it’s just that when I interact with people it takes significant energy, and I have to bring that energy to the surface. It’s like warming up a diesel engine.

Yes, that’s right, I’m an introvert.

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Underneath. Deep under the ocean, looking up towards a Diver and Humpback Whale.


Although whales have to surface to breathe, they are able to swim down, below the maelstrom, and exist in the relative peace of the deep.

We have this ability too, although it may seem unattainable at times.

We have the ability to sink down, below the drama, below the turmoil, below the pain, and arrive at a peaceful place; but like any ability, it has to be developed.

Like whales, we have to surface periodically. We have to enter the fray of our lives, do battle for the good of the kingdom, and take care of business. But the good news is that we don’t have to live there.

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Honesty. Man with hand on his heart.


Who are you?

When you answer that question, are you being honest with yourself? With others?

Being true to yourself is a necessary first step on the journey to figuring out who you are. Honesty is the fuel for that personal journey. Honesty with ourselves and honesty in our interactions will contribute toward a life that is real and vastly more interesting and exciting than one that cuts corners or takes the easy way around.

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