A man with the contents of his thoughts swirling around his head.


You are the gatekeeper!

Not like Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters. You are the gatekeeper for something real: the content of your consciousness.

Are you aware of your thoughts at any given moment? What goes through your head in the course of any given day? How much control do you have over your thoughts?

Let’s address these questions one by one.

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I’ve always been interested in experiences that make people explore and face their ultimate limits.

It might just be curiosity, but it might be something deeper. The opportunity to explore our ultimate limits might tell us something about ourselves that we would not have known otherwise. It gets to the core of who we are on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

An intimate knowledge of our responses to more extreme hardships and challenges would help us understand our responses to all of our challenges. It would certainly give us a boost in confidence as we face our everyday challenges.

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